I was thinking today about the concept of “guru” and what shape(s) it might take in our modern Western world. What came to mind, are all the wise women in my life. Each plays a role, each teaches me something and points the way when I’m confused.

I’m grateful for…

Liz – who opened the portal for me, and who is more gifted than she knows. For offering her gentle grace as a ladder her yoga students can climb on during class.

Angelica – whose healing skill is guided equally by profound knowledge and amazing intuition.

Kim – for her gentle hands, sense of humor, and bits of important information trickled humbly like her healing raindrop treatments 🙂

Margarete – for blending East and West seamlessly and effortlessly and teaching me that I don’t have to make sense of it all, but that I can change my mind, change my life.

Shari – for her kindness and care in restorative yoga, for making everyone there cared for.